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Customer Support Passion Project Ideas
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I read that the team can work on passion projects and thought I’d flesh out at least one of my ideas for such projects. I decided to produce a couple of micro tutorials about FAQ that I found in your documentation. Of course this is just a conversation starter and can be refined in many ways.
At the very least, I hope it shows that I have a genuine interest in making the experience for the user and the team as good as possible.
You can find six other ideas for passion projects here:
Micro Tutorial Video Library For FAQ
Frequently asked support questions could be made into quick micro video tutorials—voiced by different members of the support crew. The team can send them out with a first well crafted response when appropriate. Especially if customers would need to wait longer due to high demand. Building a library of 100-200+ micro video tutorials over time might free up time for edge cases that take longer to deal with.
It’s certainly not a replacement for a well written support message—not at all—but it could be an additional tool in the box. When the team is understaffed or pressed for time, a first response with a quick video tutorial on the matter might be an effective strategy to deal with long queues. Plus, some people might prefer a quick video about their issue because they digest information better through videos. I think this kind of automation could be beneficial for the users and the support team.